Siir­ry si­säl­töön

The Fin­nish Non-​Commissioned Of­ficers Union

The pur­po­se of the Union is to func­tion as a cent­ral or­ga­ni­sa­tion for as­socia­tions  es­tablis­hed by per­sons working in the field of in­ter­nal or external secu­ri­ty

  1. by repre­sen­ting them and by en­su­ring legal, pro­fes­sio­nal, educa­tio­nal, social and wage in­te­rests of their mem­bers,
  2. by pro­mo­ting ge­ne­ral and mi­li­ta­ry educa­tion and pro­fes­sio­nal skills of their mem­bers and by im­pro­ving their phy­sical con­di­tion, and
  3. by inc­rea­sing the sense of be­lon­ging of their mem­bers and by pro­mo­ting their pro­fes­sio­nal or­ga­ni­sa­tion.

 To rea­li­se its pur­po­se the Union:

  1. makes pro­po­sals and mo­tions, en­ga­ges in ne­go­tia­tions and gives sta­te­ments,
  2. or­ga­ni­ses in­for­ma­tion, trai­ning, pre­sen­ta­tion and gala events and mee­tings,
  3. pro­mo­tes and sup­ports the ac­ti­vi­ties of its mem­ber as­socia­tions,
  4. en­ga­ges in publica­tion and publis­hing ac­ti­vi­ties,
  5. may beco­me a mem­ber of such do­mes­tic or in­ter­na­tio­nal or­ga­ni­sa­tions or bo­dies where the mem­bers­hip pro­mo­tes the rea­li­sa­tion of the Union’s pur­po­se, and
  6. en­ga­ges in other si­mi­lar ac­ti­vi­ties in order to rea­li­se its pur­po­se.

The Union repre­sents non-​commisioned of­ficers, mec­ha­nics, airpla­ne mec­ha­nics and cont­rac­tual sol­diers.